If you had just one really great idea you could share with the alarm industry, what would it be?
Kelly Bond imparts wisdom learned over the 20 years she’s spent working with different financial companies in the alarm industry.
Bond’s BIG IDEA: “If I could somehow get to every dealer, every executive and share this, I would gladly do it. Very simply, my idea is learn how to build and retain RMR.”
HE FIRST THING YOUR NOTICE ABOUT KELLY BOND is that she has a look of determination about her. Second, there is something about the way she handles herself that lets you know that she doesn’t suffer fools easily. Third, she is an extraordinarily pleasant person to be with, and a tireless worker in business activity.
Actually, I’ve known Bond for the better part of 30 years, and, by way of full disclosure, she has recently joined Davis Mergers and Acquisitions Group (DMAG) as a full partner. I have wanted to write this article for some time, and decided that before she actually joined the company, I better get to it. So here it is.
The reason I wanted to write about Bond was twofold. First, when I first met her she was one of a handful of female executives. Second, she always speaks about what is on her mind, in plain English, and very concisely. So I ask her our signature question, “if you had just one really great idea that you could share with executives in this industry, what would it be?”
She thought for a moment, then answered, “If I could somehow get to every dealer, every executive and share this, I would gladly do it. Very simply, my idea is learn how to build and retain RMR.”
And Bond should know. For the better part of 20 years she was working with three separate financial programs in the alarm industry, the last as a senior executive with Alarm Capital Alliance, her job being to help dealers prepare for the day they would sell their business.
She saw every mistake that a dealer could make, corrected every misunderstanding and challenged dealers to become financially savvy. Admittedly, her stated mission was to make a difference in all of her efforts in the industry.
Women in the alarm industry today are a modern-day phenomenon that most of us accept. Thirty years ago, not so much. Bond overcame those obstacles by showing dealers and others how to take charge, build RMR and help people look ahead to the future.
She was one of the first believers in the RMR paradigm and believes in the magic of what RMR will build for the dealer. She would tell anyone who would listen and anywhere where dealers gathered.
She showed dealers how to build contacts and expand their knowledge with facts and figures, having to deal with the products they were selling. She hails from Dallas and is proud of the Cowboys, as well as all of the other sports teams in the area. You think she is a competitor?
At some point during her job interview, she mentioned that she had always wanted to manage her own business … and being a partner in DMAG was about as close as she could come to realizing that dream.
I asked her why she was interested in joining our team and she answered, “I’ve always wanted to be in my own business, and the way your company is structured, that allows me to do that from day one.”
She started asking me about whether or not she could talk about other ideas, and I gave her an opportunity. She took advantage and said, “Always remember this one piece of advice, whatever else you do. Always volunteer to help, anywhere in your chosen profession, and watch how your range of contacts grows.”
In other words, in everything you do, build up your list of contacts, turn a contact into a friend and then a friend into a relationship. Welcome aboard, Kelly, and just keep doing the things you have been doing that make you think and look as successful as you are.