Michigan Alarm Company Acquired
December 18, 2015, Long Grove, IL — Steve Rubin, Davis Mergers. & Acquisitions Group, recently assisted in the sale of a Michigan alarm company. The buyer has asked that neither they nor the seller be identified. The company has been in operation for over 20 years.
About Davis Mergers & Acquisions Group
DMAG, aka the “Graybeards,” assists in the sale of alarm companies throughout North America. Principals of the Company are widely known and respected throughout the industry based in large part on nearly four decades of participation as keynote speakers and presenters at industry seminars, tradeshows and association events.
For further information, please contact Ron Davis, President, Davis Mergers & Acquisitions Group, at 847-955-2345. Email Ron at rdavis@graybeardsrus.com.
Contact Katie Bally at 847-226-1830 or kmbally@graybeardsrus.com to schedule an appointment with any of the Graybeards team to discuss opportunities for your company.
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For further information on these transactions, or if you have any questions about selling your own company, please contact: Ron Davis, President, Davis Mergers & Acquisitions Group, at 847-955-2345, or email rdavis@graybeardsrus.com.