Sontrol of Lexington buys Safety Services October, 2010 —

Sonitrol of Lexington Buys Safety Services

Safety ServicesThe Davis Mergers and Acquisitions Group, based here, in August announced two acquisitions it participated in.
Alarm & Security Technologies, Inc., of Covington, LA, has been acquired by The Pelican Security Network, headquarterd in Baton Rouge, LA.
Timothy Joubert, founder, owner and president of Alarm & Security Technologies, Inc., will be retiring, but his staff will remain.
In Kentucky, Sonitrol of Lexington, headquartered here, acquired Safety Services, Inc., of Independence, KY. The owners and employees of Safty Services will join Sonitrol of Lexington in sales and technical capacities.
Steve Rubin of Davis Mergers and Acquisitions Group represented Safety Services, Inc. and Alarm & Security Technologies.


For further information, please contact Ron Davis at 847-955-2345