Davis Marketing Group/Graybeards Helps Mach 7 Sell its Assets to Security Services Group LLC
Long Grove, IL. February 4, 2003. Crime Deterent Alarms Inc., DBA Mach 7 Security, located in Minneapolis, MN, has sold all of its assets to Security Services Group, of Edina, MN. The transaction, which consisted of all the residential and commercial alarm systems of Mach 7, was concluded in December of 2002. Commenting on the transaction, John Hirtreiter, former President of Mach 7, said: “This has been a good transaction for both companies. I’m sure the customer base of Mach 7 will be in good hands with SSG.”
Ron Davis, Managing Partner of Davis Marketing Group, acted as a consultant to Mr. Hirtreiter and his partner, Robert Duvall, founders of Mach 7.
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For further information contact:
Davis Marketing Group
Phone: (847) 955-2345
Email: info@graybeardsrus.co