Meet the Graybeards at 2009 events
Long Grove, IL, February 6, 2009 — Key members of the management team of Davis Marketing Group will be attending a series of industry meetings and conferences within the next few months. Last month, Ron Davis, Dorsie Mosher, Katie Bally and Steve Berniklau attended the NBFAA’s week-long Leadership Conference held in Dallas, TX. During the meetings, Mr. Davis videotaped interviews with various leaders within the industry. The NBFAA will be releasing the videos through its web site.
In February, Mr. Davis and Ms. Bally will attend the Long Island Alarm Association’s general meeting in Smithtown, NY. Mr. Davis will be the featured speaker and will discuss the “The Secrets of Buying or Selling an Alarm Company”. The event will be held on February 26.
In early April, Mr. Davis, Mr. Mosher, Ms Bally and Mr. Berniklau will attend the ISC West Conference to be held in Las Vegas, NV.
In April, Mr. Davis and Ms. Bally will be at the PACE Conference held by the Ohio Burglar and Fire Alarm Association. Mr. Davis will present “The Anatomy of a Transaction” and take an in-depth look at the steps involved in either selling or buying an alarm company. The event will be held on April 14-15 in Columbus/Dublin, OH.
In May, Mr. Davis will present at the Pennsylvania Burglar & Fire Alarm Association’s Annual Meeting. His topic will be “The Anatomy of a Transaction.” The date and location are to be determined. Ms. Bally also will attend the meeting.
Also in May, Ms. Bally and Mr. Berniklau will attend the California Alarm Association’s Spring Convention in Palm Springs, CA. The dates are May 14-16.
Later in the year, in mid-October, Mr. Davis will keynote the Annual Meeting and Trade Show of the Washington Burglar & Fire Alarm Association. He also will be the Master of Ceremonies for the Awards Dinner to be held on October 14. Ms. Bally will speak October 15 on the topic of “The Things We Did Right…and Wrong….When We Sold Our Alarm Company.”
Mr. Davis and Beverly Davis will attend the CSAA Annual International Conference to be held in Greece on October 16-21.
On October 28-29, Ms. Bally will attend the ISC East Conference in NY.
For further information on any of Mr. Davis’ speaking engagements or to schedule him to appear before your industry events, please call Katie Bally at 847-226-1830.
For further information contact:
Davis Marketing Group
Phone: (847) 955-2345