Ron Davis Addresses Akal’s Senior Management

Ron Davis Addresses Akal’s Senior Management

Albuquerque, NM, November, 2003. Ron Davis, Managing Partner of Davis Marketing Group, became the first “outside speaker” to address Akal’s senior management group. Akal, founded in New Mexico in 1980, has grown to become one of America’s five largest security guard companies, employing
over 10,000 people. At their recent senior manager’s meeting, Davis was invited in to speak to that group, and delivered his IRON RULES FOR SUCCESS talk. His message, and the ideas that were contained in that message, were well received.
Gurutej Khalsa, Akal’s senior executive in charge of the conference, said of the talk : “ Ron’s presentation was so enthusiastically received, that even days after his talk, managers were continuing to quote one or more of Ron’s IRON RULES!”
Akal Security specializes in government contract security and is the second largest and fastest growing US Government security guard contractor.

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For further information contact:
Davis Marketing Group
Phone: (847) 955-2345